Half Pizza - A tale of every Mother
Half Pizza - A tale of every Mother Last night when my mother came back from office she brought back a half pizza. Typically mumma brings something or the other to eat while her way back from office .Either a sandwich , some chaat or a Wada Pav .Anything yet unquestionably something. But as this pizza was half I was wondering where did it come from. When I asked her she said in the afternoon she had to visit some place for some official work. It was her lunch time and as she was hungry so she bought a pizza to eat. It was a tiny little pizza cut into four halves. She ate two and brought the other two for me and my brother. When I asked her why couldn't you finish such a small pizza she replied " How can I eat a pizza without you two " .Listening to this my heart smiled . And this was not the first time ,she always does this. If she visits a restaurant without us and loves the food then she will make sure she takes us there. If someone shares a chocolate...